Webinar Library

We are pleased to offer past webinars in a recorded format along with supporting materials provided by presenters. Watch what you want, when you want!


2024 Annual Meeting with Howard County Public Schools Dept. of Special Education

May 2, 2024
Executive Director Dr. Terri Savage and other leaders in the HCPSS Dept. of Special Education provide attendees the opportunity to learn about the Special Education Training Program, compensatory services, and DSE plans for 2024-2025. For parents/ caregivers of children with an IEP or IFSP. Hosted by AUSOM and the Howard County Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee (SECAC). Note on video: 45 minutes of the session was devoted to breakout rooms by grade level. The video shows the presentation by Dr. Savage and some Q&A. 


Tracking IEP Progress Mid Year

February 27, 2024
Speakers: Presented by Special Education Parent Advocate: Beth Benevides – Hussman Institute for Autism and Autism Society Maryland
Quarter 2 is finished! The end of the school year is not far off and summer is coming. Grab your child’s IEP and progress report and let’s review how to track progress in three easy steps. Learn what to do if your child isn’t making progress and how to use data to advocate for ESY, additional services, or compensatory education services.



My Child Has Been Diagnosed With Autism. What’s Next?: Brown Bag Workshop

December 13, 2023

Speakers: Marlo Lemon and Kristen Paul, Parents’ Place of Maryland


Marlo Lemon and Kristen Paul from the Parents’ Place of Maryland share initial steps to consider after receiving an early childhood Autism diagnosis. The presenters share information about local resources and services that can be helpful after a diagnosis.

Sponsored by the Autism Society of Maryland and Pathfinders for Autism.

Presented by  Pathfinders for Autism and the Autism Society of Maryland  


PowerPoint Slides


How to Track Your Child’s IEP Progress: 3 Easy Steps?  

Como mantenerse al tanto con el progreso del Plan Educativo?

In this one-hour webinar/workshop led by Beth Benevides, a Special Education parent advocate, parents and guardians learn how to take control of tracking their child’s IEP progress.

August 2023


Elizabeth Benevides, Special Education Advocate

The Hussman Institute and Autism Society

Video – Espanol

Video – English

CLICK for slide deck


Update on the Maryland Autism Waiver / Actualización sobre la exención de autismo de Maryland

February 22, 2023


Sheri Weisman LCSW, C-ASWCM, Autism Waiver Svc. Coordinator, The Coordinating Center

Daniel Hammond, Autism Waiver Coordinator, Mont. County Public Schools


How will legislated changes impact the Maryland Autism Waiver’s services, supports and waiting list? Our speakers, who oversee Autism Waiver coordination in Howard, Harford and Montgomery Counties, will discuss important changes coming to the Waiver, plans to reduce that wait list, and what that means for children and families in our state. They also give background and information on the services and supports offered through the waiver. 

Co-sponsored by the Autism Society of Maryland and xMinds (Partnership for Extraordinary Minds) . Questions? 410-290-3466 or info@autismsocietymd.org.

¿Cómo afectarán los cambios legislativos los servicios, apoyos y lista de espera de la Exención de Autismo de Maryland?

Nuestros presentadores, quienes supervisan la coordinación de la exención de autismo en los condados de Howard, Harford y Montgomery, discuten los cambios importantes que se avecinan para la exención, los planes para reducir esa lista de espera y lo que eso significa para los niños y las familias en nuestro estado. También cubren información importante sobre la Exención de Autismo, incluyendo cómo calificar y registrarse, y qué servicios están cubiertos,

Copatrocinado por la Sociedad de Autismo del Condado de Howard y xMinds (Partnership for Extraordinary Minds/Asociación para mentes extraordinarias).

Video – Espanol

Video – English

PowerPoint Slides


Autism and Executive Function: Brown Bag Workshop

January 26, 2023

Speaker: Paula Moraine, M.Ed.

This presentation will be about the executive functions, but more importantly, there will be detailed suggestions for how to access and strengthen these functions specifically for the autistic individual. The ideas shared will be simple, direct, and applicable for home and school.

Presented by  Pathfinders for Autism and the Autism Society of Maryland  


PowerPoint Slides


Alternative Service Delivery Model (ASDM) – September 9, 2020

Beth Benevides, Autism Society of Maryland, Leslie Seid Margolis, Dsability Rights Maryland, and Patricia Gunshore, HCPSS

Compensatory Education/Recovery Services (April 20, 2021)

Presenters: Beth Benevides, AUSOM & The Hussman Institute and Trish Gunshore, HCPSS Depart. of Special Education

An informational webinar for parents and families on IEP implementation and compensatory education/recovery services for students who have an Individualized Education Program (ages 3-21). As students return to in-person learning, a team will evaluate your child’s progress—considering progress prior to the COVID19 school closures, during the closures and virtual learning, and present levels to determine if compensatory education/recovery services are required. This webinar will review frequently asked questions and provide guidance on how parents can prepare for discussions with their IEP/school team.

Hosted by the HCPSS Department of Special Education, Special Education Community Advisory Committee, and the Autism Society of Maryland.

CLICK for Notes

CLICK to Watch Recording

Extended School Year (ESY): What to Expect in 2021 (February 9, 2021)

A two-part webinar in the Parent Empowerment Series sponsored by HCPSS Department of Special Education, SECAC, and HCAS  

PART 1:   What is ESY, Who is Eligible, and What are the Plans for 2021?

Part 1 will be a presentation of information on:

*  Extended School Year (ESY) services offered through HCPSS
*  Eligibility criteria
*  The timeline for ESY eligibility meetings and determinations
*  ESY 2021 details – when, where, how (hybrid or in-person)


Janice Yetter – Director, Department of Special Education, HCPSS

Marcella Randall  ESY Consultant, HCPSS

PART 2:  Parent Participation in ESY Planning / Q&A

Part 2 will offer tips to help parents prepare for ESY discussions, including:

*  Information to document and share at the meeting
* How to prioritize goals
*  Questions to ask during the ESY meeting


Beth Benevides – Parent Advocate, Autism Society of Maryland / Hussman Institute for Autism

Leslie Seid Margolis  Managing Attorney, Disability Rights Maryland

Janice Yetter – Director, Department of Special Education, HCPSS

Download Notes       Video       Descargar notas

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Presentation (Sept. 2018)

Download Notes

The IEP Process During Virtual Learning (Sept. 9, 2020)

 (HCPSS Parent Empowerment Conference)

Beth Benevides, Autism Society of Maryland, Leslie Seid Margolis, Dsability Rights Maryland, and Patricia Gunshore, HCPSS

Download Notes 

Homeschooling Children with Special Education Needs: Important Implications

with Leslie Seid Margolis, Managing Attorney, Disability Rights Maryland and Patricia Gunshore, HCPSS (7/22/2020)
Download Notes | Watch Video

Back-To-School Bootcamp for Parents and Guardians (August 2022)

Get practical tips and strategies for families with children receiving Special Education services in Pre-K through Grade 5 (August 22, 2022) and Middle & High School (August 23, 2022). Put these tips and strategies into place NOW to help ensure a successful school year.

Speaker:  Beth Benevides, Director of Outreach, Hussman Institute for Autism

Watch Video  – PreK th. 5th Grade
Watch Video- Middle & High School (Coming Soon!)

Slide Deck -PreK th. 5th Grade

Slide Deck – Middle & High School 

Preparing for the Return of School

August 30, 2021

This webinar features a discussion on what’s most important to communicate with teachers before school starts.


Beth Benevides, Hussman Institute for Autism

Watch the Video


Special Education During COVID-19 (May 26, 2020)

by Leslie Seid Margolis, Managing Attorney, Disability Rights Maryland
Download Notes | Watch Video

Supplementary Aids and Services in the Virtual Environment

Families often mention the lack of follow through or “adaptation” of certain supplementary aids and services in the virtual environment. This webinar addresses:

-The importance of supplementary aids and services for student success
-The legal requirements behind this section of the IEP and ASDM plan
-Tips on how to address issues with teachers and the IEP team

-Ideas on specific kinds of accommodations for virtual learning


Beth Benevides,  Autism Society of Maryland, Hussman Institute
Leslie Margolis, Disability Rights Maryland
Yvonne Cox, Howard County Public School System (HCPSS)
January, 2021
Download Notes       Video       Descargar notas

2022 Transition Symposium Webinar Series

Session #1: Charting the LifeCourse
February 17, 2022

Speaker: Mary Anne Kane Breschi, Director of Family Supports, Developmental Disabilities Administration, Maryland Department of Health

Description:  Charting the LifeCourse is a framework designed to help transitioning youth of all abilities, their families and the professionals who work with them develop a vision for a fulfilling life and how to get there.  CtLC principles and tools focus on improving communication, goal setting, and problem solving; identifying and connection with community services and supports; developing self-advocacy skills; and laying out a person-centered plan for the future.

Watch the Video

Slides – Charting The Life Course

CtLC Vision Tool – Family Perspective

CtLC Integrate Support Star

CtLC Life Trajectory Family Perspective-Planning

CtLC Framework Principles

CtLC Life Trajectory Set Letter-Exploring

CtLC Life Trajectory Set Letter – Planning

CtLC Nexus Focus on Transition To Adulthood

CtLC Nexus – Website and Resources SPANISH

CtLC Nexus – Website and Resources ENGLISH (other languages available from the drop-down meny)

2022 Transition Symposium Webinar Series

Session #2: Setting Students Up for Success
March 15, 2022

Speaker: Stacey Herman – Assistant Vice President of Neurodiversity and Community Workforce Development, Kennedy Krieger Institute

Panelists: Kathy Land, Supervisor, Service Coordination, Inc. Meghan Smallwood, Transition Specialist, Howard County Public School System, Beth Benevides, Parent/Advocate

Description: The presentation will outline the steps and resources to help transition-age youth with disabilities who are still in school to prepare for the next stage of their lives. A panel discussion will follow with individuals from service agencies, a school system transition specialist, and a parent/advocate. The panel members will share their perspectives on the transition process from school to adult life and their insights from assisting youth with the transition.

Watch the Video

Slides – Setting Students Up for Success

2022 Transition Symposium Webinar Series

Session #3: Employment First
April 22, 2022

Speaker: Karen Lee – Executive Director, Supporting Employment Equality and Community (SEEC)

Melissa Rosenberg, Autism Society of Maryland / Autism Hiring Program,
Doris Jacobs, Manager, Howard County Youth Employment Services, Humanim
Bradley Wilson, 2021 graduate, Project Search

Description: The speaker’s presentation addresses the strategies and considerations associated with promoting, building and supporting acceptance, inclusion, and neurodiversity in the workplace and community. A panel discussion follows with representatives from Supporting Employment Equality and Community (SEEC), the Howard County Autism Hiring Program, Humanim, and a graduate of Project SEARCH, an employment training program for transitioning youth with disabilities.

Watch the Video

Slides – Employment First

2022 Transition Symposium Webinar Series

Session #4:You Can Get SSI and Medical Assistance, Go to Work…and Live to Tell About It
May 24, 2022

Speaker: Michael Dalto – Benefits Consultant, High Note Consulting, LLC

What are these benefits programs, how to apply, and are they appropriate for you or your young adult with a disability? Learn about the Social Security Administration’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) and their significance for transitioning youth as they enter adulthood and make a life for
themselves after school.

Presented by the Howard County Transition Outreach Partnership: Accessible Resources for Independence, Howard County Public School System, Autism Society of Howard County, Howard County Recreation & Parks, The Arc Howard County, Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services and NAMI Howard County.

This presentation is separated into 2 parts:

Watch Video part 1
Watch Video part 2

PowerPoint Slides


Download Notes


What To Do If Your Child Is Arrested

September 23, 2024

A revealing session that promises to enlighten you with the do’s, the don’ts and what to be aware of if your loved one is arrested. Panelists represent public safety, parents, autistics, attorney’s and community members who will share their stories, best practices and advice on what to do if your child/autistic adult is arrested. There is great strength in knowledge from the experienced. So let’s build a community of knowledgeable support for positive outcomes.

Moderator: Carlean Ponder, Autism Society of America, Social Justice Center


Brian Kelmar , Parent of an Autistic son. President, and Cofounder of  Decriminalize Developmental Disabilities, Richmond, VA

Kimber D.  Watts, Supervising Attorney, Forensic Mental Health Division, Office of Public Defender, State of Maryland

Deana Krizan, Director of Compliance and Organizational Development, Baltimore Crisis Center  

Jeremiah Josey, Self-Advocate, and Simone Greggs, Jeremiah’s Mom

Darian Senn-Carter, Ed.D., Director, Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute, School of Business and Law, Anne Arundel Community College

CLICK for Video (English)

CLICK for Video (Spanish)

Resource List

Slides: Baltimore Crisis Response

Slides: Decriminalize Developmental Disabilities (D3)

Resource List: Brian Kelmar


Self Love for Self Advocates  

SESSION 2: So You Wanna Make Online Friends: How to Safely Navigate the Online World

June 20, 2024 

Presenters: Steven Isaacson and Kristen Letnick
Panelists: Sue Abramowski, Avi Krishan, Jacob Weisman
CLICK for VIDEO (English) – Coming soon!
CLICK for VIDEO (Spanish) – Coming soon!
PPT: Session 2: So You Wanna Make Online Friends – Coming Soon!

SESSION 1: Introduction to Loneliness and Isolation

April 18, 2024

This four-part series explores the importance of self-love and self-understanding for Autistic self-advocates who experience loneliness and isolation. These sessions will be a mix of engaging presentations and reflections that will feature Autistic speakers and panelists. 

Presenters: Steven Isaacson and Kristen Letnick

CLICK for VIDEO (English)

CLICK for VIDEO (Spanish)

PPT: Session 1_ Intro to Loneliness and Isolation

Dating & Relationships for Self-Advocates

October 24, 2023

Looking for advice and education on how to prepare for and find a dating partner? Presenter Steven Isaacson, LMSW (he/him), himself a self-advocate, walks you through the first steps to reducing the stigma and learning where your thoughts and feelings on  this topic come from.

Video – English

Video – Spanish





The Housing Crisis for Adults with Disabilities: A Panel Discussion

September 14, 2021

This webinar explores the current challenges and some very creative ways individuals and families are addressing the housing crisis.  Panelists will include individuals from the housing field, a real estate professional, an adult services agency, and parents have addressed the challenge for their loved ones with out of the box solutions.  And you’ll get an update on Patuxent Commons, HCAS’ unique intergenerational housing project slated for construction in the Hickory Ridge community of Columbia, MD.

Panelists in order of appearance:

Tim Wiens, Executive Director, Maryland Inclusive Housing
Pam Beck, Parent & Advocate
Richard Dean, Parent & Advocate
Stephanie Maric, Parent & Real Estate Professional, The Legal Team of Long & Foster
Ami Taubenfeld, Executive DIrector and Founder, Itineris
Mark Dunham, Principal, Kindred Strategies & AUSOM Consultant for Patuxent Commons Housing Project

Watch the Video

Housing Meeting (February, 2020)

Download Notes

MD Partnership for Affordable Housing (February, 2020)

Download Notes

Accessible Resources for Independence (ARI) & Room Surf Presentation

(February, 2020)

Download Notes

Supported Decision-Making: An Alternative to Guardianship  –  Virtual
October 27, 2022

Megan Rusciano of Disability Rights Maryland presented on guardianship and how supported decision-making can serve as an alternative to guardianship or allow adults with disabilities more decision-making autonomy under guardianship. Supported decision-making
• is a nationally- and internationally-recognized best practice that preserves the civil rights of people with disabilities by promoting a person’s right to self-determination
• recognizes that everyone, regardless of whether they have a disability, relies on the support of people they know and trust to make and communicate their own decisions
• can be used to prevent, limit and/or terminate restrictions on personal autonomy and decision-making imposed by guardianship
• is protected by a Maryland law that went into effect on October 1, 2022
About the presenter: Megan Rusciano (she/her/hers) is the Managing Attorney of the Developmental Disabilities, Health Care, and Victims of Crime Act Team at Disability Rights Maryland (DRM), Maryland’s federally-designated Protection & Advocacy Agency for people with disabilities. She founded and chairs Maryland’s Cross-Disability Supported Decision-Making Coalition, is a consultant on the Judiciary’s Guardianship and Vulnerable Adult Workgroup, faculty for the Judiciary’s training for Court-Appointed Attorneys in guardianship proceedings, and was selected to participate in a group tasked with updating Maryland rule of professional conduct for attorneys who represent clients with diminished capacity. Prior to joining DRM in 2017, Ms. Rusciano was a Client Advocate at The Arc of Northern Virginia. She received Juris Doctors from American University Washington College of Law and University of Ottawa, and a Bachelors of Arts from McGill University.

WATCH the Video

Slide Deck


What Is Your Life Plan?  –  Virtual
January 19, 2022

Part 1 of a two-part series for parents and guardians to think through the process of planning for the day when they are no longer there to care for their loved one.  Presenters walk you through the initial steps to plan and communicate your vision for your loved ones future, as well as working through the practical considerations.  This is part one of a two-part series (part two to be offered in late spring 2022)

Topics covered:

  • Letter of Intent: how to communicate your desires for your young person and include important details to share with all future caregivers after your death
  • Wills and Special Needs Trusts – where to begin?
  • Guardianship /Alternatives to Guardianship – what’s the difference?
  • Maryland ABLE Account – what is it and how can it benefit your loved one?
  • Other important but difficult topics to think through

Jim Curran and Monty Knittle, Curran Knittle Group, Harbor Investment Advisory
Kelly Nelson, Maryland ABLE
Mary O’Byrne, O’Byrne Law LLC

Watch the Video

PPT  – Maryland ABLE
PPT – Curran Knittle Group
PPT – O’Byrne Law
Letter of Intent (Template)

What is Your Life Plan? – Part 2

June 14, 2022

James Curran and Monty Knittle, Curran Knittle Group – Harbor Investment Advisory
Mary O’Byrne, O’Byrne Law, LLC
Kelly Nelson, Maryland ABLE


Part 2 of a two-part series for parents and guardians to think through the process of planning for the day when they are no longer there to care for their loved one.  We’ll take the next steps to help you plan and communicate your vision for your loved one’s future, as well as how to work through the practical considerations.

You can review the recording of Part 1 of the series and supporting materials HERE

Topics to be covered:

  • Letter of Intent: how to communicate your desires for your young person and include important details to share with future caregivers after your death
  • Wills and Special Needs Trusts – Where to begin?
  • Guardianship /Alternatives to Guardianship – What’s the difference?
  • Maryland ABLE Account – What is it and how can it benefit your loved one?
  • Other important but difficult topics

This presentation is separated into 2 parts:

Watch Video part 2
Watch Video part 1

Slide Deck – Guardianship (Mary O’Byrne)

Special Needs Planning – Caring for all of your Family Members

(January, 2018)
Download Notes

Dept. of Disabilities Administration (DDA) 101 (June, 2018)

Download Notes

DDA 101 Integrated Support Star Worksheet

(June, 2018)
Download Notes Part 1 | Download Notes Part 2

DDA 101 Life Course Infographic

(June, 2018)
Download Notes

DDA — HCBS Waivers Overview

(February, 2018)

Download Notes

DDA Low Intensity Support Services – LISS

(June, 2017)

Download Notes

Division of Rehabilatation Services (DORS) Transitioning to Adulthood

Download Notes

Maryland Autism Waver

Download Notes

Update on the MD Autism Waiver During COVID-19 and Beyond

with Sheri Weissman, LCSW, C-ASWCM, July 2020
Download Notes | Watch Video

SSI & SSDI for Young Adults with Disabilities

(May, 2020)

by Michael Dalto (PPT & Video of Webinar)
Download Notes | Video Link #1 | Video Link #2 | Video Link #3

Manejando Conductas Retadoras

16 de Enero de 2022 – 2:00-3:00pm – Virtual
Esta presentación revisará las razones comunes por las que los comportamientos desafiantes (rabietas, lloriqueos, agresiones, etc.) suceden y brindara información sobre cómo la terapia ABA ayuda a identificarlos y cómo ayuda con la enseñanza adecuada del comportamiento. El presentador también proveerá algunas estrategias que los padres pueden utilizar para abordar estos comportamientos en el hogar.

Presentado en español. Presentado por: Alexander Arevalo, M.S, M.Ed, BCBA, LBA

Este seminario web se realiza en asociación con Pathfinders for Autism and Autism Society of Maryland.

Watch the Video

PPT Slides

Taller de deambulación y fuga en español


(Wandering & Elopement – In Spanish)
Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Gicel Martinez & Rosa Lily – Educadoras de Padres Bilingues
Laurie Reyes, Montgomery Co. Police

ABC’s of Challenging Behavior Management

December 9, 2020

Panelists: Cathy Judkins

Challenging Behaviors (May, 2020)

with Catherine Judkins, BCBA (A Brown Bag Workshop)
Download Notes | Watch Video

Cannabis & Autism

with Dr. Leslie Apgar (January, 2020)

Reviewing a study on the impact of Cannabis on behavior, communication and anxiety
Download Notes | Watch Video

Center for Autism & Related Disorders (CARD) at Kennedy Krieger Institute

Monthly Speaker Series: Rebecca Landa, PhD, CCC-SLP, Founder & Executive Director (June, 2020)
Download Notes | Watch Video

Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Autism: It is about More than Handwriting (March 25, 2021)

Aaron Dallman, PhD, OTR/L, MT-BC (Emily Bravman, OTS)

Presented in Partnership with Pathfinders for Autism / Brown Bag Workshop Series

CLICK for Notes

CLICK to Watch Recording   

Police Training on Autism: Overview of the Howard County Police Department Curriculum (10.16.20)

Lt. Bill Cheuvront, HCPD

Download Notes       Video

Sexuality and Gender Diversity in Autism: A Panel Discussion
June 6, 2022

Co-sponsored by the Autism Society of Maryland and PFLAG Columbia-Howard County

The acronym LGBTQIA+ is an ever-growing and evolving acronym. It is an inclusive term covering people of all gendered sexualities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and allies.

Autism is more common among people who do not identify as their assigned sex — three to six times more common than in the general population, according to a recent study. Gender identity and sexuality are also more varied among Autistic people.  Researchers are making gains on how best to support Autistic people who identify outside conventional gender and sexual identities.

The panel discuss LGBTQIA+ topics that are of specific interest to Autistic teens and adults and their families, and offer time for Q&A.

Kiana Fok, Self-Advocate and Secretary, PFLAG-Columbia Howard County
Jumel Howard, President, PFLAG-Columbia Howard County
Zosia Zaks, Zaks Autism Consulting LLC

Start Time: Jun 6, 2022 06:36 PM

Watch Video

Slide Deck – Gender & Diversity (Zosia Zaks)

Slide Deck – Profiles of Trans Parents (Jumel Howard)

Breaking Binaries Worksheet

Resource List – Sexuality and Gender Diversity in Autism Worksheet

Women and Autism: A Panel Discussion

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020


Carly Fulgham, Self-Advocate, Mother, Wife, and operations strategist for a major national bank
Caitlyn Conklin, Self-Advocate
Allison B. Ratto, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Children’s National Health System
Molly Whalen, Mother of a daughter with autism, Director, Best Buddies Capital Region

Video What About The Girls? (PPT) Resource List

AUTISM AND SUICIDE PREVENTION: A Panel Discussion Let By Autistics for Other Autistics and Families

November 9, 2022, 7pm Via Zoom

Moderator: Carly Ott

Panelists: Lisa Morgan, Sam Brandsen and Brigid Rankowski

Autistic people have more than three-fold higher rates of suicide and suicide attempts than the general population; yet the signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety can look different for Autistic people. Lisa Morgan, self-advocate and national suicide expert, will present on the topic. Panelists will discuss the latest research on the subject and their personal experiences. Learn about the very important role of parents and loved ones can play in:

  • Identifying the signs and symptoms that someone is at risk
  • Recognizing and responding effectively to the warning signs in Autistic people
  • Implementing strategies to help prevent suicide

Watch the Video

Slide Deck

Resource List


May 20, 2021

This webinar features a panel discussion by and for parents, professionals and self-advocates to build awareness of the prevalence of mental health challenges in individuals with autism across the lifespan.

Panelists include:

Brenda von Rautenkranz, LCPC, NCC, Psychotherapist, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, President of Fit for Life

Dr. Andrea Goddard, Supervisor, Child and Family Therapy Clinic, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Kennedy Krieger Institute

Dr. Christine Dub, PhD, BCBA, NCSP Licensed Psychologist, Department of Behavior Psychology, Kennedy Krieger Institute

Sara Uram, LCSW-C, Social Worker, Neuropsychiatry Program, Sheppard Pratt

Dr. Robert Wisner-Carlson, Chief of Autism and Neurodevelopmental Outpatient Program, Senior Psychiatrist and Service Chief of Adult Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Unit, Sheppard Pratt

Mia Williams, Parent Representative, AUSOM Board Member

Matthew Plantz, Self Advocate and AUSOM Board Member

Denise Giuliano, Executive Director, NAMI Howard County

Watch the Video    |    NOTES: NAMI Howard County

Sibling Issues (February, 2019)

Download Notes

Go With Your Gut:  Autism and Gut Health

March 22, 2023 – Brown Bag Workshop presented by AUSOM and Pathfinders for Autism

Presenter: Dr. Pamela Compart

Dr. Compart is a developmental pediatrician and integrative/functional medicine physician who has a particular expertise in and passion for treating children with Autism.  Her approach to working with children includes looking at the whole child to make the best recommendations for both more traditional “outside in” therapies and less traditional treatments – “inside out” that enable a child to reach her full potential.  This includes considering internal biochemistry, balance and any deficiencies in order to optimize brain function.  During this session, Dr. Compart shares how she combines these “outside in” and “inside out” treatments to help a child reach his or her true potential, particularly as it relates to gut intestine imbalance, toxins, deficiencies in vitamins or minerals, all to optimize brain function.




Supporting the Family Unit and Beyond with Executive Functioning Skills

From Navigating the Journey Support Group – October 19, 2022

Speakers: Brad Bernstein and Sarah Seeberge

WATCH the Video

You Can’t Drink From An Empty Cup: Supporting Your Own Social and Emotional Well-Being.  Helping Parents Survive the Roller Coaster of Parenting a Special Needs Child

December 2, 2020


Stacy Hurley, LCSW-C, Family Navigator, Autism Society of Maryland
Brad Bernstein, LCPC, Crossroads Psychological Associates