Have you just received a diagnosis of Autism for your child?  Or do you suspect that your child may have Autism?  This can be an overwhelming and stressful time for families.  We are here to provide you with important resources and support.  Contact our office at 410-290-3466 or email [email protected]

Below are some helpful resources you may wish to explore:

The Autism Experience (Autism Society of America)

Family Support & Resource Center – Howard County Public Schools/Dept. of Special Ed.

Designed to help families of children with special needs. Services include workshops, IEP assistance, IFSP assistance, newsletters, a lending library, facilitation of parent support groups, and community resources and service referrals.

AUSOM Resource List for Parents – A Checklist of Important Resources for Families with a New Diagnosis

Howard County Public Schools – Dept. of Special Education

Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities (MANSEF)

Represents more than 90 nonprublic schools throughout Maryland that serve students with a range of disabilities

Maryland Autism Waiver

Maryland’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
allows eligible children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to receive specific waiver services
and certain Medicaid services to support them in their homes and communities.

Maryland Learning Links

The Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services.

Operation Autism – for Military Families

Pathfinders for Autism 

Special Education Resources (AUSOM Webpage)


Youth with autism and other disabilities begin their transition from school to the adult world from the age of 14-21 and often beyond. AUSOM is here to help guide you during this part of your journey with important resources, webinars, experts, and other families who can share their experiences with you. Contact our office at 410-290-3466 or email [email protected]

Below are some helpful resources you may wish to explore:

DDA (Developmental Disabilities Administration) – Services for Transitioning Youth

DORS (Div. of Rehabilitation Services) – Services for High School Students

Howard Community College – Disability Support Services

Maryland ABLE Accounts

Maryland ABLE accounts help individuals with disabilities save money and pay for qualified disability-related expenses without jeopardizing state or federal means-tested benefits such as SSI or Medicaid.

Maryland Learning Links – Transition Resources

MSDE Secondary Transition Planning Guide

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition

Parents Place of MD – Transition Resources

Project Access – Howard Community College

Project Search Howard County

Self-Directed Advocacy Network

Promotes and supports the use of self-directed services to empower individuals with developmental disabilities to achieve purposeful and fulfilling lives.

Transition Services – Howard County Public School System


Autistic adults have new challenges and opportunities to explore.  Whether you are an adult with a previous diagnosis or one someone seeking a diagnosis as an adult, AUSOM is here to support you with important resources, webinars, experts, and other autistic adults who can share their experiences with you. Contact our office at 410-290-3466 or email [email protected]

Below are some helpful resources you may wish to explore:

Accessible Resources for Independence

Asperger/Autism Network

The Asperger/Autism Network (AANE) provides individuals, families, and professionals with information, education, community, support, and advocacy.

Autism Hiring Program / AUSOM

Autism Society of America – Adult Resources

Autistic Self Advocacy Network

A nonprofit advocacy organization run by and for autistic individuals.  Activities include public policy advocacy, the development of autistic cultural activities, and leadership trainings for autistic self-advocates. They provide information about autism, disability rights, and systems change to the public through a number of different educational, cultural, and advocacy related projects.

CCBC Single Step Program

Program for adults with disabilities and learning differences at the Community College Baltimore County. Single Step provides students with academic, pre-vocational, social and independent living skills. Students leave the program prepared for success in college study, employment and adult life.

Centers for Independent Living 

Centers for Independent Living (CILs) provide independent living services for people with disabilities for people with all types of disabilities.

CORE Foundations at Kennedy Krieger

CORE Program – Howard Community College

Employment Resources  – Autism Society of America

AUSOM Adult Social Group – Meets every Saturday @ 5:30pm.  Email [email protected] for more information. Complete the online Membership Application to receive the Zoom links and email announcements, https://app.donorview.com/emKYX

Hussman Center for Adults with Autism 

The Hussman Center for Adults with Autism provides cutting-edge programming, training and resources for adults on the autism spectrum, Towson University students, professionals and others in the community.

Maryland Inclusive Housing – Clearinghouse for resources on accessing accessible, affordable housing as well as offer Housing Support Services

Resources for LGBTQ & Autism


Self-Directed Advocacy Network

Promotes and supports the use of self-directed services to empower individuals with developmental disabilities to achieve purposeful and fulfilling lives.

Social Security Resources for Persons with Disabilities

Self-Directed Services Guide (DDA)