Membership Has Its Privileges

Exclusive member-only social events; receiving by email the quarterly newsletter; support group meetings with a phenomenal speaker lineup; and the knowledge that your support helps us continue to provide advocacy, training, and support to the families of Maryland with someone on the autism spectrum. Annual membership is just $25 per family or individual.

Your membership support is vital to helping us fulfill our mission.

Don’t delay, join today!

The Autism Society of Maryland serves individuals on the autism spectrum, their families, and their communities by providing information, support, and advocacy; by promoting awareness of autism that values the dignity and uniqueness of each individual; and by working to improve the quality of and access to services and to educational opportunities.

Join Online

It’s easy to join AUSOM or renew your membership online!

Join Offline

If you prefer, download and complete the membership form (PDF):

Once completed, mail the completed form to:

The Autism Society of Maryland
9770 Patuxent Woods Drive – Suite 308
Columbia, MD 21046