Essential resources for understanding the world of special education in Howard County and beyond.
Bullying Prevention Must be Everyone’s Concern
Everyone is affected by bullying. The victim, the bully, and those who witness bullying suffer negative consequences. “Bullying can lead to low self-esteem, depression, isolation, and alienation in both the…
The School Discipline Process
A Handbook for Maryland Families and Professionals Disability Rights Maryland Every year Maryland school systems suspend thousands of students, many of whom have disabilities. When students are suspended they lose…
Teaching School Peers about Autism
Peers are naturally curious about their classmates with autism. They want to know how to meet and hang out with them. Teaching peers about autism will help them better understand…
SECAC Fall Forum 2013
If you missed the annual Fall Forum of the Howard County SECAC (Special Education Community Advisory Committee) on Oct. 14, 2013, view the SECAC Forum presentation for an overview of important topics…