Essential resources for understanding the world of special education in Howard County and beyond.
A Parent’s Guide to Section 504 in Public Schools
This important civil rights law can provide educational benefits to kids with learning disabilities and/or AD/HD in public schools.
Back to School Preparation Tips
Summertime is almost over, and it’s time to think about gearing up for school. This can be a welcome thought or a scary one! Even scarier if your child is…
Independent Educational Evaluations
Parents and school personnel are often confused about what constitutes an independent educational evaluation (IEE) and how the evaluation is to be used. This article addresses what constitutes an IEE,…
Resolving Parent-School Disputes
IEP FAQs Pop-Up Parents want the “best” education for their children. Schools are only required to provide “appropriate” services for children with disabilities. Conflict between parents and schools is normal…
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