Essential resources for understanding the world of special education in Howard County and beyond.
Autism Waiver and COVID-19 Flexibilities
A Special Presentation for Maryland Autism Waiver Families July 31, 2020 The Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services and The Maryland Department of Health, in collaboration with the…
Homeschooling Children With Special Education Needs: Important Considerations
Join the Autism Society of Maryland and Howard County SECAC on July 22nd at 2pm for this timely presentation on homeschooling–specifically, what it is and what it isn’t–for parents, guardians…
Recovery Efforts: Addressing the Provision of FAPE through Alternative Service Delivery Models for Students with Disabilities During the Re-Opening of Schools
MSDE Technical Assistance Bulletin June 2020 On March 12, 2020, the State Superintendent of Schools closed Maryland schools for in-person student instruction and extracurricular activities in response to the COVID-19…
Recovery Efforts: Addressing the Reopening of Nonpublic Special Education Schools
MSDE Technical Assistance Bulletin June 2020 On June 10, 2020,the State Superintendent of Schools announced, in coordination with the second stage (medium risk) of the Governor’s Maryland Strong: Roadmap to…