Essential resources for understanding the world of special education in Howard County and beyond.
The Difference Between IEP Meetings and Parent-Teacher Conferences
By Amanda Morin Knowing the difference between an IEP meeting and a parent-teacher conference can help you make the most of both meetings.
Developing Communication Skills for the Workplace
By Carolyn K. Jeppsen Organization for Autism Research (OAR) I am often asked how we can prepare autistic youth to thrive in the workplace. My answer is that helping our…
Backpack Checklist
Download from Getting your child’s backpack organized is a feat worth celebrating. But making sure kids put in everything they need for the trip to school and back can…
The Maryland Transition Digital Portfolio
Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Service The transition from high school to college or employment can be an overwhelming and challenging time for…
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