Essential resources for understanding the world of special education in Howard County and beyond.
Written Opinions: A How-To Manual
By Patricia Howey Record Your IEP Concerns in a Written Opinion IDEA 2004 specifically allows you to submit your concerns to the IEP Team. One way to record your concerns…
Annual Meeting with Nancy FitzGerald
March 21, 2016 HCPSS Department of Special Education and Student Services Presentation to the Autism Society of Maryland
Finding the ‘Win-Win’ in Assessing Young Children
Assessment is a process of gathering information about what a child can and cannot yet do to inform instructional decisions. When assessing young children, the most accurate results are obtained…
Transition Planning: Setting Lifelong Goals
by Jennifer Graham and Peter Wright, Esq. As we enter the second half of the school year, many parents hear the clock ticking louder and louder as graduation nears. We…
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