HCPSS Behavior Specialists
Each Howard County public school is assigned a behavior specialist. In order to access the behavior specialist, the special education team leader (or instructional team leader) at your school should…
DetailsEach Howard County public school is assigned a behavior specialist. In order to access the behavior specialist, the special education team leader (or instructional team leader) at your school should…
DetailsMeeting after meeting, parents and teachers use the words “accommodation” and “modification” almost interchangeably when discussing IEPs and student needs. Yet the terms are vastly different. If understood and used…
DetailsWith ever-increasing pressure on school systems to improve educational results, high stakes testing is a particularly important and controversial issue. In many school districts and states, mandated tests measure student…
DetailsThe transition from school to adulthood requires careful planning. The Transition Planning Manual written by Parents for Parents for the Autism Society of Maryland provides important information on the parent’s…
DetailsThe formal assessment process can be daunting for parents of children with autism. By using highly technical language and focusing on “deficit performance,” assessments can often overwhelm and dishearten parents.…
DetailsThe Kennedy Krieger Institute and Maryland Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announced today that a first-of-its-kind, free online video tutorial on early autism recognition will be distributed…
DetailsRemember– you are the primary decision-maker for your child. No changes in your child’s placement or services should take place without your approval, except in an emergency situation. You are…
DetailsThe Maryland State Department of Education and the Governor’s Interagency Transition Council for Youth with Disabilities offer helpful articles on transition, college, employment services, health care, transportation, and more.
The Maryland Transitioning Youth website is designed for families and youth with disabilities. It is loaded with information and resources for transition planning, postsecondary education, employment services, and much more.…
DetailsSchool-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) programs exist throughout the county. What does PBIS emphasize? What outcomes are associated with implementation of a school-wide PBIS program?