A Maryland Public Television education special, Today’s Student Tomorrow’s Workforce highlights the new Common Core State Standards and how students are being prepared for college and careers. The program, originally aired on Nov. 21, 2013, features expert panelists who discuss how the more rigorous curriculum in mathematics and language arts can best prepare students in Maryland classrooms.
Guests Panelists
Segment One: Preparing Students to be College and Career Ready
Lillian Lowery, Maryland State Superintendent
Donald Fry, President/CEO, Greater Baltimore Committee
Freeman Hrabowski, President, UMBC
Segment Two: The Classroom and the Common Core
Jack Smith, MSDE Chief Academic Officer
Shannon Landefeld, Master Teacher/Reading Specialist, Tulip Grove Elementary School, Bowie
April Jones, Principal, Woodlawn Middle School, Baltimore County
Ray Leone, President of Maryland PTA