Barrier Free – Virtual Info Session
Join Barrier-Free on Zoom for a Virtual Info Session. Attendees will learn about the three pillars of Barrier-Free programming - Inclusive Theater, The Studio, and Social Club - and have the opportunity…
Join Barrier-Free on Zoom for a Virtual Info Session. Attendees will learn about the three pillars of Barrier-Free programming - Inclusive Theater, The Studio, and Social Club - and have the opportunity…
Sign Up NOW! for FREE In-Person, Outdoor FITNESS CLASSES Saturdays, June 19 - August 28, 2021 9:00AM-10:00AM Clover House, Rockburn Park 5400 Landing Road, Elkridge, MD One-time registration required at…
Enjoy our weekly FREE Yoga Classes with instructors from the Yoga Center of Columbia. These classes are made possible through the generosity of The Hussman Foundation. Participants and parents/guardians…
This group is designed for independent adults with autism ages 24+. Currently alternating virtual and in-person events each Saturday at 5:30pm. To join, email [email protected].
Join us for this informational webinar! Preparing for the Return to School: What's Most Important To Communicate With Teachers Before School Starts August 24, 2021 - 7:00-8:00pm The start of…
Sign Up NOW! for FREE In-Person, Outdoor FITNESS CLASSES Saturdays, June 19 - August 28, 2021 9:00AM-10:00AM Clover House, Rockburn Park 5400 Landing Road, Elkridge, MD One-time registration required at…
La Sociedad de Autismo del Condado de Howard lo invita a asistir a un grupo para familias de habla hispana que tienen un niño con autismo. Conozca al Grupo en…
Enjoy our weekly FREE Yoga Classes with instructors from the Yoga Center of Columbia. These classes are made possible through the generosity of The Hussman Foundation. Participants and parents/guardians…
This group is designed for independent adults with autism ages 24+. Currently alternating virtual and in-person events each Saturday at 5:30pm. To join, email [email protected].
LET'S GET TOGETHER! You're invited to an old-fashioned potluck picnic at Centennial Park. Bring a dish to pass (entree, side, or dessert), a lawn game to share, and a sunny…