Navigating the Autism Journey A facilitated discussion group for people who parent or care for individuals with Autism Monthly meetings: 1/25, 2/15, 3/15, 4/19, 5/17, 6/21, 7/19 (No meeting in…
Adult Sibling Support Group Thursday, May 18 - 7:00-8:30pm by Zoom Are you an adult sibling of a brother or sister with a disability or special needs? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the need…
Next meeting: October 18 @ 7:00-8:30PM TOPIC: Learn about great resources from The Parents Place of Maryland! Navigating the Autism Journey is a free support group for parents and caregivers that features…
TOPIC: Self Care for Seasonal Changes and Holidays Navigating the Autism Journey is a free support group for parents and caregivers that features discussions and presentations on Autism-related topics. Sessions are led…
Navigating the Autism Journey is a free support group for parents and caregivers that features discussions and presentations on Autism-related topics. Sessions are led by our Family Navigator, Kelly Kryspin.…
A traditional support group for families that have a member on the Autism spectrum. FREE! A one-time registration is required at . The login will be sent before each Zoom meeting.
A traditional support group for families that have a member on the Autism spectrum. FREE! A one-time registration is required at . The login will be sent before each Zoom meeting.
A traditional support group for families that have a member on the Autism spectrum. FREE! A one-time registration is required at . The login will be sent before each Zoom meeting.
A traditional support group for families that have a member on the Autism spectrum. FREE! A one-time registration is required at . The login will be sent before each Zoom meeting.
A traditional support group for families that have a member on the Autism spectrum. FREE! A one-time registration is required at . The login will be sent before each Zoom meeting.