The Bullying, Harrassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form may be used to to report alleged bullying, harassment, or intimidation that occurred during the current school year on school property, at a school-sponsored activity or event off school property, on a school bus, or on the way to and/or from school; or that substantially disrupted the orderly operation of the school. Bullying, harassment and intimidation mean any intentional conduct, including verbal, physical or written conduct, or an intentional electronic communication, that creates a hostile educational environment by substantially interfering with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities or performance, or with a student’s physical or psychological well-being.
To Report Bullying in HCPSS Schools
- Submit completed form to a HCPSS administrator in person, by mail, or electronically by e-mail. The administrator will investigate within two school days of receiving the form and implement corrective actions as outlined on the BHI Incident School Investigation Form and the Student Code of Conduct.
- Report online through HCPSS Sprigeo. HCPSS uses Sprigeo, an online form to report bullying and other unsafe behaviors. Incidences that have happened to you or that you have witnessed can be reported anytime and anywhere using the Sprigeo reporting system. The intention of this reporting system is to create an ease of access for reporting bullying and to allow families to report these incidences that occur throughout the school system. All information sent through the Sprigeo system goes directly to selected central office staff who will then send the report to our administrators through a secure online connection. To report incidences, visit: