The Autism Society of Maryland offers a variety of free support and social groups to connect individuals, families, and caregivers navigating the autism journey. Our groups provide safe, welcoming spaces for meaningful discussions, shared experiences, and community support. Whether you’re seeking guidance as a parent, caregiver, or self-advocate, our support groups are tailored to meet the diverse needs of the autism community.
Browse our offerings below to find a group that fits your needs, including virtual and in-person options, discussion groups, and topic-focused sessions. Together, we create a network of understanding and encouragement to help you and your family members thrive.
All Support Group information is updated monthly on the AUSOM Events Calendar. Please visit there for updated dates and times.

AUSOM Family Support Group
Virtual by Zoom
First Thursday of the Month
A one time registration is required. Please CLICK HERE to register and for more information.

Navigating the Autism Journey
Virtual by Zoom
Third Wednesday of Each Month
A facilitated virtual discussion group for those who parent or care for individuals with autism. Sessions feature open discussions or presentations on topics of interest to autism families and caregivers.
A one time registration is required. Please CLICK HERE to register and for more information

Adult Sibling Support Group
Virtual by Zoom
Date and Time: TBD
The Adult Sibling Support Group is a free group that offers support to adult siblings who are caring for sisters and brothers with a range of disabilities, not only Autism. We invite you to join us for discussions offering mutual support and resource-sharing.
A one-time registration is required to receive announcements. Please CLICK HERE to register.
Contact Kelly Kryspin at kelly.kryspin@autismsocietymd.org for more details.

Grupo de Apoyo Para Padres Latinos
Virtual para Zoom o presencial
Tercer Lunes de Cada Mes
La Sociedad de Autismo de Maryland invita a las familias de habla hispana con un niño en el espectro del autismo a unirse a este grupo de apoyo. Conéctese con otras familias, comparta experiencias y acceda a recursos en un ambiente acogedor. Para obtener más información y registrarse, comuníquese con nosotros.
Para más informatión llame o envie un correo-e a:
Marianela Estrada, emailnella22@gmail.com, 973-223-1024
Alex Arevalo, ax.areval1@gmail.com, 240-374-3368
Catalina Ramos, catalina.ramos@autismsocietymd.org, 443-518-7681

Adult Social Group
Virtual by Zoom
One Saturday per month 5:30-6:30pm
In Person Gatherings
One Saturday per month, time is usually 5:30-7:30pm
This group is for self-advocates ages 24+ who can participate independently. Members of the group help plan Howard County-based activities sponsored by AUSOM. Individuals from all counties are welcome to attend.
A one-time registration is required to receive the monthly announcement emails. CLICK HERE to register.
Contact Kelly Kryspin at kelly.kryspin@autismsocietymd.org for more details.

Dads’ Night Out
In Person
Third Tuesday of Each Month
Join other dads raising children on the autism spectrum for a casual night out filled with camaraderie and connection. Dads’ Night Out provides a laid-back environment to relax, share experiences, and build friendships with others who understand your journey. Come enjoy great company and good conversation!
Contact the AUSOM office to get on the email list and receive announcements, 410-290-3466 or info@autismsocietymd.org.

Moms’ Night Out
In Person
Fourth Tuesday of Each Month
Take a well-deserved break and connect with other moms raising children on the autism spectrum at our Moms’ Night Out. This informal gathering offers a fun and relaxed environment to unwind, share stories, and build friendships with those who understand your journey. Join us for an evening of laughter and support!
There is a one-time registration. Once registered, you will receive email notifications and reminders for all of our Moms’ Night events! CLICK HERE to register. RSVPs are encouraged to reserve seating.

YOGA! for All!
Virtual by Zoom
Saturdays, 3:30-4:30pm
One Saturday per month