Video: How is ADHD diagnosed in kids?
Understood How is ADHD diagnosed in kids? An ADHD evaluation might involve one or a few interviews. There’s no one single test that professionals use. Watch this video to find…
Understood How is ADHD diagnosed in kids? An ADHD evaluation might involve one or a few interviews. There’s no one single test that professionals use. Watch this video to find…
By Amy Jung Organization for Autism Research I still remember the day before my son’s first Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting. I was so nervous that I wrote down everything…
Korean Translated COVID-19 Materials CIDA’s COVID-19 지원 프로젝트는 지적 및 발달장애 (IDD)를 가진 한인들과 그들의 가족들, 보호자들을 지원하고, 이들의 지역사회참여를 통한 긍정적인 경험과 권리옹호를 장려함으로서 코로나 바이러스 팬데믹으로 인한 지원…
Think College is a national organization dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability. With a commitment to equity and excellence, Think College…
The Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council and the Maryland Department of Health have teamed up to create COVID-19 fact sheets in plain language. Plain language helps more people understand things the…
Katie Harley, LCSW PSYCOM It’s common for children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to struggle with anxiety, whether it’s a few symptoms or a full-blown disorder. According to…