By Carly Anderson In my career as an elementary school teacher and intervention coordinator, I’ve sat in hundreds of individualized education program (IEP) meetings. They’re a regular part of my…
by Wrightslaw Social skill is not a “service” but a functional skill necessary for daily living activities. Your child’s IEP must include a description of her Present Levels of Academic…
By Kristin Stanberry When you have your IEP meeting, the team at school will share all sorts of information about your child. But there are certain insights that only you…
By Patricia Howey Record Your IEP Concerns in a Written Opinion IDEA 2004 specifically allows you to submit your concerns to the IEP Team. One way to record your concerns…
Produced by the Maryland Disability Law Center “Advocating for ESY services for a student is similar to advocating for a regular school year IEP for a student. The program must be individualized…
Friendship Circle Believe it or not, you should be getting notes home regarding setting up parent teacher conferences for your children any day now. This means that report card time is…
By Suzanne Whitney, Research Editor, Wrightslaw In this article, you’ll learn about requirements in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the No Child Left Behind Act for your child’s…
By Ann McCarthy When problems with social skills impact your child’s success in school, addressing them should become part of the IEP. Write objectives to improve social skills as you…